Herzog M, LaFlamme C, Beaudoin G, Marsh J, Guilmette C. Mineralium Deposita

The inductively coupled plasma-triple-quadrupole-mass spectrometer coupled to a laser ablation system (LA-ICP-QQQ-MS) is being developed to measure multiple sulfur isotopes.
Digests of isotopically characterized pyrite (Sierra pyrite, LaFlamme et al. 2016) have been tested by ICP-QQQ-MS with Bastian Goerg, Senior Scientist Agilent Scientific and have promising results:
The inductively coupled plasma-triple-quadrupole-mass spectrometer coupled to a laser ablation system (LA-ICP-QQQ-MS) is being developed to measure multiple sulfur isotopes.
Digests of isotopically characterized pyrite (Sierra pyrite, LaFlamme et al. 2016) have been tested by ICP-QQQ-MS with Bastian Goerg, Senior Scientist Agilent Scientific and have promising results: