The inductively coupled plasma-triple-quadrupole-mass spectrometer coupled to a laser ablation system (LA-ICP-QQQ-MS) is being developed to measure multiple sulfur isotopes.
Digests of isotopically characterized pyrite (Sierra pyrite, LaFlamme et al. 2016) have been tested by ICP-QQQ-MS with Bastian Goerg, Senior Scientist Agilent Scientific and have promising results:
The inductively coupled plasma-triple-quadrupole-mass spectrometer coupled to a laser ablation system (LA-ICP-QQQ-MS) is being developed to measure multiple sulfur isotopes.
Digests of isotopically characterized pyrite (Sierra pyrite, LaFlamme et al. 2016) have been tested by ICP-QQQ-MS with Bastian Goerg, Senior Scientist Agilent Scientific and have promising results:

Research & Projects
This research group studies pathways of sulfur through the lithosphere to better understand the secular evolution of geodynamic processes, and geochemical reservoirs, responsible for metal accumulation in the Earth’s crust. To do so, we characterize anomalous accumulations of sulfur preserved in the Earth’s crust during ancient orogenic events, including orogenic gold, VMS, and orthomagmatic sulfide ore deposits. We then apply avant-garde chemical and isotopic techniques to measure the chemical and isotopic signature of sulfides. These signatures lend insight into the inputs of various sulfur reservoirs to melts and fluids, and monitor their physico-chemical evolution in both space and time.

Monitoring the secular evolution of sulfur reservoir interaction of seafloor hydrothermal systems

Tracing the source of sulfur and gold precipitation mechanisms in Archean orogenic gold deposits using MIF-S

Method development of multiple sulfur isotope
collection in sulfides by LA-ICPMS/MS

Tracing MIF-S through Paleoproterozoic orogenesis